Б – брикеты
ВГ, ВРГ – водорастворимые гранулы
ВГР – водно-гликолевый раствор
ВДГ – водно-диспергируемые гранулы
ВК, ВРК – водорастворимый концентрат
ВКС – водный концентрат суспензии
ВР – водный раствор
ВРП – водорастворимый порошок
ВС – водная суспензия
ВСК – водно-суспензионный концентрат
ВСР – водно-спиртовой раствор
ВЭ – водная эмульсия
Г – гранулы
Ж – жидкость
ККР – концентрат коллоидного раствора
КНЭ – концентрат наноэмульсии
КОЛР – коллоидный раствор
КРП – кристаллический порошок
КС – концентрат суспензии
КЭ – концентрат эмульсии
МБ – мягкие брикеты
МГ – микрогранулы
МД – масляная дисперсия
МК – масляный концентрат
МКС – микрокапсулированная суспензия
МКЭ – масляный концентрат эмульсии
ММС – минерально-масляная суспензия
ММЭ – минерально-масляная эмульсия
МС – масляная суспензия
МСК – масляно-суспензионный концентрат
МЭ – микроэмульсия
П – порошок
ПР – приманка
ПС – паста
ПТП – пленкообразующая текучая паста
Р – раствор
РП – растворимый порошок
СК – суспензионный концентрат
СК-М – суспензионный концентрат масляный
СП – смачивающийся порошок
СТС – сухая текучая суспензия
СХП – сухой порошок
СЭ – суспензионная эмульсия
ТАБ – таблетки
ТБ – твердые брикеты
ТКС – текучий концентрат суспензии
ТПС – текучая паста
УМО – ультрамалообъемное опрыскивание
ФЛО – суспензионный концентрат
ЭМВ – эмульсия масляно-водная
Источник: Государственный каталог пестицидов и агрохимикатов, разрешенных к применению на территории Российской Федерации. М., 2010
Обозначения видов препаративных форм (формуляций) пестицидов, принятые в международной практике
Code Description Definition
AB Grain bait Special forms of bait.
AE Aerosol dispenser A container-held preparation which is dispersed generally by a
propellant as fine droplets/particles upon actuation of a valve.
AL Other liquids to be applied Self defining.
BB Block baits Special forms of bait.
BR Briquette Solid block designed for controlled release of active ingredient into
CB Bait concentrate A solid or liquid intended for dilution before use as a bait.
CG Encapsulated granule A granule with a protective or release controlling coating.
CS Capsule suspension A stable suspension of capsules in a fluid normally intended for
dilution with water before use.
DC Dispersible concentrate A liquid homogeneous preparation to be applied as a solid
dispersion after dilution in water.
DP Dustable powder A free-flowing powder suitable for dusting.
DS Powder for dry seed A powder for application in the dry state directly to seed.
EC Emulsifiable concentrate A liquid, homogenous preparation to be applied as an emulsion after
dilution in water.
ED Electrochargeable liquid Special liquid preparation for electrostatic (electrodynamic)
EO Emulsion, water in oil A fluid, heterogeneous preparation consisting of a dispersion of fine
globules of pesticide in water in a continuous organic liquid phase.
ES Emulsion for seed treatment A stable emulsion for application to the seed either directly or after
EW Emulsion, oil in water A fluid, heterogeneous preparation consisting of a dispersion of fine
globules of pesticide in an organic liquid in a continuous water
FD Smoke tin Special form of smoke generator.
FG Fine granule A granule in the particle size range from 300 to 2500 ì.
FK Smoke candle A smoke generator in the form of a candle.
FP Smoke cartridge Special form of smoke generator.
FR Smoke rodlet Special form of smoke generator.
FS Flowable concentrate for A stable suspension for application to the seed either directly
seed treatment or after dilution.
FT Smoke tablet Special form of smoke generator.
FU Smoke generator A combustible preparation generally solid, which upon ignition
releases the active substances in the form of a smoke.
FW Smoke pellet Special form of smoke generator.
GA Gas A gas packed in pressure bottle or pressure tank.
GB Granular bait Special forms of bait.
GE Gas generating product A preparation which generates a gas by chemical reaction.
GG Macrogranule A granule in the particle size range from 2000 to 6000 ì.
GP Flo-dust Very fine dustable powder for pneumatic application in glass-houses.
GR Granule A free-flowing solid preparation of a defined granule size range
ready for use.
GS Grease Very viscous preparation based on oil or fat.
HN Hot fogging concentrate A preparation suitable for application by fogging equipment either
directly or after dilution.
KN Cold fogging concentrate A preparation suitable for application by cold fogging equipment,
either directly or after dilution.
LA Lacquer A solvent based film-forming preparation.
LS Solution for seed treatment A solution for application to the seed either directly or after dilution.
MG Microgranule A granule in the particle size range from 100 to 600 ì.
OF Oil miscible flowable A stable suspension of concentrate fluid intended for dilution
(=oil active substances in an organic liquid before use.
in a miscible suspension)
OL Oil miscible liquid A liquid, homogenous preparation to be applied as a homogenous
liquid after dilution in an organic liquid.
OP Oil dispersible powder A powder preparation to be applied as a suspension after dispersion
in an organic liquid.
PA Paste A water based film forming preparation.
PB Plate bait Special forms of bait.
PC Gel or paste concentrate A solid preparation to be applied as a gel or a paste after dilution
with water.
PR Plant rodlet A small rodlet, usually a few centimetres in length and a few
millimetres in diameter containing active substance.
PS Seed coated with a pesticide Self defining.
RB Bait (ready for use) A preparation designed to attract and be eaten by the target species.
SB Scrap bait Special forms of bait.
SC Suspension concentrate A stable suspension of active substance(s) in a fluid intended for
(= flowable concentrate) dilution with water before use.
SE Suspo-emulsion A fluid, heterogeneous preparation consisting of a stable dispersion
of active substance(s) in the form of solid particles and of fine
globules in a continuous water phase.
SG Water soluble granules A preparation consisting of granules to be applied as a true solution
of active substance after dissolution in water but may contain
insoluble inert ingredients.
SL Soluble concentrate A liquid homogenous preparation to be applied as a true solution of
the active substance after dilution with water.
SO Spreading oil A preparation designed to form a surface layer on application to
SP Water soluble powder A powder preparation to be applied as a true solution of the active
substance after solution in water but which may contain insoluble
inert ingredients.
SS Water soluble powder for A powder to be dissolved in water before application to the seed.
seed treatment
SU Ultra low volume (ULV) A suspension ready for use through ULV equipment.
TB Tablet Solid preparation in the form of small, flat plates for dissolution in
TP Tracking powder A rodenticidal contact preparation in powder form.
UL Ultra low volume (ULV) A homogenous liquid ready for use through ULV equipment.
VP Vapour releasing product A preparation containing one or more volatile ingredients, the
vapours of which are released into the air. Evaporation rate
normally is controlled by using suitable preparations and/or
WG Water dispersible A preparation granule consisting of granules to be applied after
disintegration and dispersion in water.
WP Wettable powder A powder preparation to be applied as a suspension after dispersion
in water.
WS Water dispersible powder for A powder to be dispersed at high concentration in water before
slurry seed treatment application as a slurry to the seed.
XX Others
* based upon the “Catalogue of Pesticide Formulation types and International Coding System”, GCPF (GIFAP) Technical Monograph No 2, 4th Edition, 1999.